News Details

10 December 2016 16:00

The FSG Competition Handbook V1.0 is now online!

Category: Competition, 2017

The FSG Competition Handbook has been created to compliment the Formula Student Rules 2017, identifying the key dates, deadlines and information required for the period leading up to the 2017 competition. It also gives details on the registration process.

There will be one quiz for all. It will be based on the non-specific FSC/FSE/FSD rules and also on general engineering knowledge. The slots will be distributed as follows: 65 FSC, 35 FSE, 15 FSD. The quiz starts on 2017-01-16 13:00 CET.

A further update to the FSG Competition Handbook will be made shortly before the competition with updated important information about the competition itself. 



FSG_Competition_Handbook_2017_V1.0.pdf727 Ki

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